See how our software for farmers really makes a difference…

Do you want to take your farm to the next level? Are you looking for reliable, scalable and secure software for farmers to help you get there?

Running a farm is difficult, and making big decisions in a split-second over and over can be quite overwhelming – we completely understand, as we’ve seen it many times before.

But what if a lot of that stress and pressure could just go away?

It can, with Live Farmer’s forward-thinking software for farmers.

Do you want to find out more about how Live Farmer can really help you?

We have never worked with a farm where we haven’t had a positive impact, so we’re confident that we can help you, too.

Even if you’ve already read up on what our software for farmers can do for you and your farm, there’s no better way to find out what it’s really like than to hear it from the people who it has already helped.

Take a look at our case studies below, and find out how you can deal with everything and prepare for anything, working in partnership with Live Farmer.

Together, we can make your farm work smarter, more effectively and more efficiently, saving you time, money and stress, just like our software for farmers has done for Intercrop and New Shoots.

An innovative and inclusive solution for Intercrop with our software for farmers

Do you find that it’s a constant challenge for your team members to get their hands on real-time, accurate information across multiple sites, information that will help both you and your customers?

That was the case for Intercrop, one of the leading salad growers in Europe, until they started working with Live Farmer back in 2016.

Complex growing operations in the UK and Europe meant that before using our software for farmers, Intercrop struggled with management of crops and availability, having to use multiple information resources to find out what they needed to know.

If you could make things infinitely simpler for your farm business, saving time and therefore money, would you?

Click on the button below to find out what they have to say about their experience using Live Farmer’s software.


Live Farmer's software for farmers supports New Shoots' growth goals

Is your business growing exponentially – or aiming to in the future – and in need of advanced software that has been designed specifically with farms in mind?

Live Farmer could be exactly what you need, as it’s scalable, meaning that it’s ready to grow with you and your business, no matter how big your goals are.

That’s why we started working with New Shoots in Suffolk, getting involved at just the right time to give them the support they need as they grow.

We implemented our end-to-end software for farmers for New Shoots in January 2020, setting them up with a system that will suit their needs for years to come.

Is that something that would benefit your business, too?

Here’s what New Shoots had to say about working with Live Farmer – just click on the button below.

Stephen Bradstock

Revolutionising Fertilisation

Revolutionising Fertilisation Revolutionising Fertilisation: A New Era in Agricultural Solutions Welcome to a new dawn in agricultural efficiency and sustainability. We are thrilled to introduce

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Book your free Live Farmer demo

If you’d like to experience success similar to that of Intercrop and New Shoots, click on the button below to book your free demo, and find out all about how our software for farmers can streamline the way your farm works.