What can Live Farmer’s smart farm technology do for you?

Rather than looking at what Live Farmer’s smart farm technology does do, it may be easier to ask what it doesn’t do!

Have you ever wished that you could predict the future when it comes to crops? Wondered how you could make more money without fundamentally changing what you do? Or tried to work out how you could get more value from your team?

Live Farmer helps you do all this and more. Let’s discover a little more about how our smart farm technology can make a difference to your farm…

Make labour work better

You have a great team, and everyone works hard – but what if you could make everyone work that bit more efficiently, every single day?

Well, our smart farm technology can help you to make that happen.

With Live Farmer, you can manage your resources much more easily and get everyone organised, making sure that you have the right people in the right places, at the right times. That means more time in the field and less time wasted. The software also lets you easily analyse who’s best in what role, and let people work to their strengths!

Better yet, your staff can find everything they need to know about health and safety, and they can also access any training they need, all with Live Farmer. You can even have your own personalised induction video!

Farm workers picking crop
farm profit and loss

Make more money with smart farm technology

Are you constantly looking at ways you can make a more substantial profit?

We appreciate how difficult it can be, trying to identify ways to make more money when you’re being squeezed from every angle. But we’ve helped many customers with this already, and we can help you, too.

Live Farmer’s smart farm technology can make auditing easier when working with companies such as Red Tractor, and it can help you to manage your labour costs, as well as helping you to make better capital investments – you can work out exactly how much something will cost over its lifespan, and compare that to its return.

Live Farmer can also help you to adapt your crop plans quickly – make the most of every hectare by seeing what’s happening in real time. If a different crop could make more money, find out quickly and easily, and make it happen. After all, why waste time and make less money on less profitable crops?

Make more money with Live Farmer.

Predict the future

Have you ever dreamt about being able to predict the future? It’s now possible, to some degree, thanks to Live Farmer’s smart farm technology.

Your customers demand a lot from you. Live Farmer’s advanced software can help you to clearly see orders, crops, machinery & labour resources, pesticide & fertiliser requirements, and more – no more notebooks, spreadsheets and calculators, as Live Farmer can work everything out for you.

With all your sales and promotions in one place, you’ll know what your demand is likely to be, based on information from previous years. This means you can plan ahead much more effectively and make all the right decisions.

What if you could tell which crops would be best to grow, now and in the future? Live Farmer can help with that, too. By inputting all your data, the software can work out what’ll be most profitable for you to plant. What could be bad about that?

What-it-Does.-Predict the future

If you want to make your labour work better, make more money and predict the future, Live Farmer’s the smart farm technology for you.

Why don’t you sign up for a demo to see our smart farm technology in action?

We’ll take you through exactly how Live Farmer works, and how this smart farm technology can simply slot in to help your farm become more effective and efficient from the get-go.