Farm accounts software created for Farm Owners & CEOs

Are you always keeping an eye out for ways to make your farm more efficient, effective and profitable? Are you in need of effective, easy-to-use farm accounts software?

As a farm owner or CEO, everyone looks to you for all the answers – the buck stops with you. And that’s a lot of pressure on one person’s shoulders.

Do you find that with so many plates spinning all the time, you have to make off-the-cuff decisions all too often?

It doesn’t have to be this way… with Live Farmer, you can equip yourself and your team with software that’ll change how you operate, for the better.

We’re already working in partnership with farms all around the world, and we can help you, too.

Discover what you can do with our farm accounts software

See what’s happening right now

With Live Farmer, you can take full control of your farm. View live data to see how crops are performing, and get up-to-date reports on labour and supply.

There’s no need to worry about scouring dozens of spreadsheets to create reports, as Live Farmer’s farm accounts software takes care of traceability and accountability for the way you do business, all in one system.

Need a report? Produce what you need at the touch of a button.

Can your farm reach its potential without access to live data?

Farming using Live Farmer on a Tablet

Make more money

Want to know what you need, right when you need it? With our farm accounts software, you can. And with that information at your fingertips, you can make better decisions.

Live Farmer lets you see the cost vs revenue of every crop, and the digital system means you can say goodbye to the pile of paperwork at the end of your desk, once and for all.

Our intelligent farm accounts software lets you watch your crops turn into profit, without wasting money and time along the way.

Additionally, Live Farmer looks at sustainability – with water, heating and lighting all requiring control and efficiency, utilise the software to create the required microclimate as cost-effectively as possible.

Invest wisely

It can be tough to know which investments will benefit your farm most – but what if it could all be worked out for you?

Live Farmer’s farm accounts software can calculate your capital expenditure, so you don’t have to gamble your profits away.

It’ll also help you to plan for the future – without all the messy paperwork – estimating when to buy the right crop inputs, and which crops will make you the most money per hectare, before you’ve even ploughed the land.

Do you want to invest wisely?


Give our farm accounts software a go

If you want to build a more profitable business, you know what to do…