Funding Opportunities Available

What is Occupational Health? 

Occupational health refers to the physical, mental, and social well-being of workers in relation to their working conditions. It is an essential aspect of maintaining a safe and productive workplace. There are several reasons why occupational health is important. Workplace safety and health are essential to prevent accidents and injuries. Occupational health aims to identify potential hazards and risks in the workplace, and develop strategies to reduce or eliminate them. This helps to prevent workplace accidents and injuries, ensuring the safety of employees. 

Why is occupational health important? 

occupational health can improve the overall health and well-being of employees. By promoting a healthy workplace environment and providing employees with access to health and welfare services. Workers with good access to occupational health services, are more likely to maintain good health, which can reduce absenteeism and increase productivity. Good occupational health can help to identify and manage work-related illnesses and diseases, ensuring early detection and treatment. This can help to prevent long-term illness and disability, which can impact employees’ ability to work and their quality of life. 

What resources are available from the government? 

The UK government has launched a £1m competition to fund projects that will help self-employed individuals and employees in small businesses gain access to occupational health (OH) services. The Joint Work and Health Unit, an initiative by the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department for Health and Social Care, will provide up to £100,000 to successful ideas that enhance health and welfare services at work. Small businesses and the self-employed often lack the OH support that larger companies have, which can lead to health issues and economic inactivity. Innovate UK is partnering with the fund, and eligible projects must use technology to improve OH and deliver better health outcomes. Projects must start on 1 June 2023, end by 31 January 2024, and last for up to eight months. Project leaders can be any organisation size and work alone or with others from various sectors. The competition closes on 15 March 2023 at 11 am. 

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