Understanding the need for a sustainable peat moss alternative

Soil is the most important asset a farm has, as it is required to grow everything. When the soil is used, the nutrient levels are depleted which will drastically affect future harvests. Peat moss has been used for a long time, for its spongy properties, allowing plants to grow root through the peat layer. Peat moss also allows the soil to easily introduce air, which is essential for the healthy growth of your plants. The issue with using peat moss is the damage it does to the environment. Peat is a great natural carbon sink, containing five times the amount of carbon than a forest. When the peat is disturbed, this carbon is then released back into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.  

What is Sphagnum moss? 

Sphagnum moss is a type of peat moss that grows in damp, boggy areas and forms dense mats. It is an important component of peat bogs, where it contributes to the formation of peat by accumulating dead plant material. Sphagnum moss is also used as a growing medium in horticulture, due to its ability to retain moisture and nutrients. The method of growing is currently being developed to be a sustainable peat alternative to make horticulture more environmentally friendly.  

BeadaMoss’ peat moss solution 

A company based in Loughborough, Leicestershire, Micropropagation Services (EM) Ltd –  
trading as BeadaMoss® – have developed a sustainable way to micro-propagate Sphagnum. This peat moss is being aimed at the horticultural industry as in 2028, peat will be banned from commercial use. Sphagnum peat moss is a renewable resource that can be sustainably harvested without causing damage to the environment. When used as a growing medium, it provides similar benefits to peat, including its ability to retain moisture and nutrients. Additionally, using sustainable Sphagnum moss helps to reduce the demand for peat and supports the conservation of peat bogs and the species that rely on them.moss

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