Onion and Carrot Conference and Exhibition – 29th November 2022
First Base Solutions are attending the Onion and Carrot conference and exhibition on the 29th November 2022. We can’t wait to see all of you there! We have two products being showcased, Live Farmer farm management software, and the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster.
How efficient are your current processes?
Efficiency is intrinsically linked to your profitability. Do you spend hours on reports and documentation? Gain more control over your farm processes with the LiveFarmer farm management software.
How do you manage farm traceability for your Onion and Carrot yields?
With some clients, you are required to show a record of where your crops have been, and what has been done to them. How are you keeping track of everything? Traceability also forms part of your legal requirements and compliance.
How accessible is your farming data?
Real time access to all the crucial information involving your farm. How do you currently access harvest information? Adding remote access to your operation will increase your growers’ productivity and offer better redeployment.
How are you building a sustainable future?
Creating a greener tomorrow is no longer a future problem, steps need to be taken now. What measures have you implemented to build a more sustainable farm? Sustainability can help lower wastage, which helps lower costs.
How much profit did you make last year?
Keeping track of every cost is difficult if not managed properly. Do you know what is your most profitable crop? What was the profit of that harvest? Keep track of every penny, accounting for every expenditure.
Book a demonstration
Looking for the answers to these questions? Don’t forget to come see us, take full advantage of a live demonstrations. Come see why LiveFarmer combined with the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster will grow your farms profitability! Fill in the contact form if you want to learn more before the event.
Want to learn more?