Met Office Weather DataHub API comes to LiveFarmer UK

Technology continues to advance and improve; becoming easier for businesses to access detailed and customisable data that can help them optimise their operations. In the agricultural industry, accurate data is crucial to meeting harvest demands. Weather patterns can have a significant impact on crop growth and yield. That’s why LiveFarmer UK is proud to announce the integration of the Met Office API into our farm management software, providing hourly weather updates to help farmers make more informed decisions. The API can be set up via longitude and latitude, so you can have data for multiple sites.  

What is the Met Office Weather DataHub? 

The DataHub is a new service that provides access to detailed and customisable weather data through an API. This service is part of the Met Office’s ongoing efforts to make their operational data more accessible and useful to users. It will ultimately become the single point of access for all Met Office Public Task weather data, replacing both Met Office DataPoint and their Wholesale Data Services. 

What information does the Met Office Weather data hub use?  

The available data on the Met Office Weather DataHub continues to evolve, with new data and map overlays regularly being added. At present, the available atmospheric model data includes global deterministic 10km, UK deterministic 2km (standard lat-long projection), Met Office Global Ensemble Prediction System (MOGREPS-G) 20km (global ensemble – probabilistic), and MOGREPS-UK 2km (UK ensemble – probabilistic). The site-specific forecast product provides access to Met Office Global Spot Data, including global daily spot data, global 3 hourly spot data, and global hourly spot data. 

How much is the API? 

The Met Office Weather DataHub offers a number of pricing plans, including a free plan where users can download up to 1GB of free data per month. For the atmospheric model data, there are a variety of pricing plans available, depending on the amount of data needed. Similarly, for the site-specific forecast product, there is a free plan (up to 360 calls per day per API), as well as several pricing plans for larger volumes of data. LiveFarmer users will have access to this data built into the application, giving them more control.  

Why is LiveFarmer UK integrating the new Met Office API? 

One of the major benefits of the Met Office API is that it allows LiveFarmer UK to provide hourly weather updates to farmers using our farm management software. This means that farmers can access up-to-date information on temperature, precipitation, and other weather patterns that may impact their crops. With this information, farmers can make more informed decisions about when to plant, irrigate, or harvest their crops, maximising their yield and minimising their risk, without requiring external software solutions. It will become part of the entire ecosystem. We are always looking for ways to help farmers optimise their operations and increase their profitability. By integrating the Met Office API into our farm management software, we are providing farmers with access to the most up-to-date and accurate weather data available.  

Why choose LiveFarmer UK with the new Met Office Weather DataHub integration? 

 is an exciting new service that provides access to detailed and customisable weather data through an API. This service is part of the Met Office’s ongoing efforts to make their operational data more accessible and useful to users. LiveFarmer UK is proud to be using the Met Office API to provide hourly weather updates to farmers, helping them make more informed decisions and optimise their operations. Contact us today to learn more about our farm management software and how it can help your farm succeed. 


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