Increase potato yield by 16%
Potatoes are the most popular vegetable in the UK; 2017 saw 6.2 million tonnes of potatoes produced. They are one of the most versatile vegetables, used in several culinary ways. Potatoes are mostly grown from seed, and can be grown all over the UK. The most common area is East Anglia. With the popularity of potatoes in the UK, there is always a need to increase the average potato yield per hectare. Utilising the space you already have on your farm to increase profits.
What is the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster?
One of the latest technological advancements in the AgriTech space, the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster uses electromagnetically generated frequencies, to improve plant health. The natural frequencies of plants fall within the range of 10Hz and 150KHz. By matching the environment with the plants’ natural harmony, you can help destress plants, reduce recovery times, and save money on water and agrichemicals.
Has the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster been tested on potatoes?
Santa Cruz, Bolivia – July 2020, winter.
The test was conducted over 97 days, using two fields. One field was used as the control, the other was treated with the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster. The average potato yield per acre increased by 16% in the treated field. This was due to each Crop Booster potato plant yielding an extra tuber compared to the control. The extra tuber meant the potato yield increase was 8.33%. The weight of the tuber was also increased, by an additional 8 grams. This is an increase in 7.38%, giving an overall increase of 16%.
Why was there a higher yield of potatoes?
The KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster helped the potato seed grow taller, bigger plants. The increase in biomass allowed for more sunlight to interact with the leaves. The increased surface area, and better crop health, allowed the potato to engage more with photosynthesis.
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