Increased pepper plant yield by 70%
The KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster saw an increase in crop yield and size of peppers
The KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster is a micro-transmitter that uses a range of electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate better crop growth. Over several tests of different crop types, the results have shown an increase in crop yield, more nutritious plants, and a better hardiness. How can crop yields be increased? Well, the results from the test on peppers was conducted in Bajo Boquete, Panama, In May, 2015, to see how much of an increase in crop yield there could be. The test was conducted on Pepper King Farms, who are the largest indoor growers of bell peppers. There was a control, and a field with the KPCB installed; the results were then compared.
25% increase in size
The results from the test showed a dramatic increase in size. Offering 25% more per crop on average. The end result being that the value of the crop had increased. As the size had increased, so had the weight of the crop, which means it would sell for more money. Increasing the size of the crop was one way the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop booster increased profitability, without needing more space to grow.
70% increased yield
The weight of the pepper crops also indicated that there was an increase in crop yield. Due to each having thicker flesh. When the control and the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop booster were harvested the easiest comparisons were on how each looked, and how much each weighed. Even though the size was noticeable at 25%, the weight was considerably more, coming in at 70% more than the control.
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