Increase the profitability of your cherry trees.
Cherries are a delicious fleshy stone fruit. Known for their iconic, almost global and heart shape, cherries can be tart, or incredibly sweet. This is dependent on the growing season, and where they are grown in the world. Lapins are popular cherry trees grown in the UK, due to its sweetness. Many farms in the UK are looking to increase their cherry yield, without increasing costs. How do you grow better cherries? Treating the soil with electro magnetically charged water, has allowed for better soil infiltration, without expensive chemicals. The KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster has improved the quality and yield of several fruit crops, without installing a brand-new irrigation system.
What is the KPCB micro-transmitter?
The KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster is a micro transmitter, installed directly onto your existing irrigation system. The KPCB uses low frequencies, that resonate with the crops, and it doesn’t require any external power input.
Did the KPCB work on cherry trees?
Chile, winter 2020
Installed across 4 hectares of land, the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster saw an increase in oil infiltration. The control field had an infiltration of 70cm, over 16 hours. Whereas the KPCB field saw a water infiltration rate of 70cm in just 8 hours! This is an increase in 100%, which helped the cherry trees access water quickly.
Chile, Spring 2020
The second test was also conducted in Chile, but this time in the spring. The results showed an increase by 25% in fruit yield. The control field produced 18,735KG of exportable goods. Which was sold at $5 per kilogram. The KPCB yielded an eye watering 23,438KG of fruit, that could be sold at $6 per kilogram. This is because the treated cherries were better quality. The revenue generated from the control was $93,675; the revenue from the treated field was $140,628. This is an astonishing increase of $46,953 per hectare. s
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