Top 5 ways to get better onion crops

The most common onion grown in the UK is the brown onion, also known simple as cooking onions. The name comes from the brown skin surrounding the onion. They can be cooked in several ways, and added to any dish to add impactful flavour. Other onions that are grown in the UK are the mild onions, white onions, red onions, and shallots. Onion is a very profitable crop, as it is hardy, and requires less maintenance in order to grow.  

Decide on either seeds or onion sets for your onion crop

Onions are grown from seeds, but many growers chose to plant onion sets. These are small bulbs that are around 1.3cm, or half and inch, and have a quicker sow to harvest turnover. Seeds may take longer to yield crops, but they are also much cheaper than an onion set. Seeds also mean less disruption to the crop, which could produce better quality onions.  

Soil management 

Onion crops are interesting, as they can be grown in clay ladened soil. Onions like deep soil that retains moisture. The loamier the soil, the better. Loamy soil is usually a combination of silt, and clay. The optimal pH range for onions is between 6 and 7.5; they can be grown in slightly alkaline soil as well.  


Onions have a shallow root system, which means it is harder for them to draw in the needed nutrients from the soil. Onions are quite nitrogen hungry, and need decent nitrogen fertilisation.  

Irrigation Management 

Onion crops grow most effectively with regular watering. They like a good amount of moisture in the soil. They need to be watered as soon as they are planted and then periodically throughout the crop cycle.  


A new technology approach, the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster increases crop yield, without the ongoing maintenance. It is installed onto your existing irrigations system, and is only powered on by rushing water. You can see how it works here. 

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