100% reduction in agrichemical Use, and better-quality tomatoes.
Tomatoes are probably one of the most easily recognisable foods in the world. Being used in a number of dishes, and the basis for so many sauces. Tomatoes are used as a vegetable regarding food, but are technically a fruit. In fact, tomatoes are actually berries. Worcestershire is one of only a small selection of areas that grow tomatoes in the UK, specifically Offenham, local to ourselves in Pebworth. Tomatoes are not the hardiest of plants, and are easily affected by fungi and other diseases. Which requires a lot of agrichemical use. The KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster increases the hardiness of tomatoes, without the use of harmful agrichemicals
What is the KPCB micro-transmitter?
The KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster uses frequencies in the range of 10Hz and 150KHz to resonate with a crop’s natural frequency. This can be used to destress plants, help with recovery times, and lower the amount of water and other resources used.
What were the effects on agrichemical use for the KPCB treated plums?
Valle Del Cauca, Colombia, summer 2020
The farm in Columbia grew their tomatoes in a greenhouse, and usually would periodically spray them with agrochemicals. For the growing period with the KYMINASI PLANTS Crop Booster installed, there were no agrichemicals used. The tomatoes were actually 2 weeks ahead of the control group, and were exclusively high quality. There was no presence of pests or diseases, therefore there was no need for fungicides or pesticides.
Santa Cruz, Bolivia, July 2021
A freak weather event in this region of Bolivia caused significant frost damage to crops in July 2021. The neighbouring farms that were not testing the KPCB suffered severe crop damage and reduced yields. The test was conducted on one field on this farm, the rest were untreated. The field treated with the KPCB experienced very little frost damage to the foliage, and only 5% of the plants were affected. The control fields did not produce any harvestable yield that year. Due to a large tomato shortage, the farm using the KPCB sold boxes of tomatoes for $20 per box instead of $2 per box. Overall reaching a 900% increase in revenue.
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